About Us

About Us

Our History

PNF Corporation 1 is committed to complying with local laws and regulations as well as applying a strict global code of conduct to all employees. It believes that ethical management is not only a tool for
responding to the rapid changes in the global business environment, but also a vehicle for building trust with its various stakeholders including customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, and local communities. With an aim to become one of the most ethical companies In the world, PNF continues to train its employees and operate monitoring systems, while practicing fair and transparent corporate.

Our Quality Assurance

Our high-strength and performance raw materials are designed to help improve strength and durability, make ease placement
and finishing, provide dependable initial set times as well as reducing your costs. Each of our Quality Assurance representatives
is well experienced and qualified. We provide only the best. To assure high we ensure:

Laboratory Test Facility

Our Special Services